All food stuffs and things to eat in Haflong

“Eat, Drink and Enjoy”

Food Type Available:  


Best places to eat and Restaurants in Haflong

Food Hangover Cafe in Haflong

Hangover Cafe

Food Khasi Hotel in Haflong

Khasi Hotel

Food Bassilica in Haflong


Food Maa Restaurant in Haflong

Maa Restaurant

Food Mangalmayee Restaurant in Haflong

Mangalmayee Restaurant

Best known for the food type:
Average cost for 2 people:

Food Bikash Gupta Stores in Haflong

Bikash Gupta Stores

Eating places and Food guide for Haflong

Every trip is incomplete without tasting the local flavours and food. The freshly cooked dishes served the soul of travelling. Traveld’globe is the travel planning platform where you can know what you eat in Haflong and where to eat in Haflong. You can savor your taste in Haflong with 

You can try these veg/Non Veg exotic, delicious and mouthwatering food in restaurants and cafes of Haflong.

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Content of this page was last updated at Sep 14, 2017


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