All places to visit and things to do

All the places to visit and things to do in Siliguri

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spiritual (2)
wildlife (1)
culture (1)
nature (1)
leisure (1)

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Point of interests and places to see in Siliguri

Plan your trip to Siliguri to visit all the famous places in Siliguri. is your most friendly and accurate online travel guide, this will not only help you plan the your vacation but will also be your personal itinerary planner.

The travel and tourism information about Siliguri is provided here with the list of all 

spiritual (2), 
wildlife (1), 
culture (1), 
nature (1), 
leisure (1), 

places to see, things to do and explore everything at Siliguri. You can view the expense or cost of travel, exact location, weather, temperature and time people usually spend to these places. All the places to visit has user reviews that will help you decide and plan better.

Why to travel Siliguri

Located amidst the foothills of the mighty Himalayas, Siliguri serves as a entry gate into North East India due to its superior connectivity. Being the second largest city in the state of West Bengal, it is an important commercial hub due to major influx of tourists en route to North East India. The Narmada river flows besides the city. Siliguri is a cosmopolitan city and the commercial capital of its region. Siliguri receives approximately 325-330 cms of rainfall annually, making it relatively cooler than the surrounding regions. Siliguri is blessed with natural beauty. This city is also famous for its tea plantations, which produce some of the best tea in the world. With the perfect blend of abundant natural bounty and modern technologies, Siliguri provides something for everyone.

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Content of this page was last updated at Jun 20, 2017


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