How to travel from Guwahati to Itanagar 

(Itanagar to Guwahati)

Route planner to travel from Guwahati to Itanagar with Car

Distance on road: 338 kms
Travel Time: 8 hours


Road – Car


Route Details

Take the roadtrip for Itanagar while driving from Guwahati, enjoy this time with your friends, family or drive solo. You can drive on a car, a bike or hire a taxi to travel on the roads to Itanagar

The shortest distance between Guwahati and Itanagar is 338 kms(211 miles), you will need around 8 hours to travel Itanagar by Road. Driving directions to travel to Itanagar, for the roadtrip to Itanagar from Guwahati is provided with the map.

Map from Guwahati to Itanagar

Itanagar is known as A Landscape of Dawn Lit Mountains and ideal time to stay there is 1 – 3 days. Find out the 6 places to visit in Itanagar, and what to do there.

Shortest Route to go from Guwahati to Itanagar distance

— km
Click for map, exact distance and time

Book Transport from Guwahati to Itanagar

Guwahati to Itanagar Taxi/Traveller Fares

You may choose to hire a cab to Itanagar from Guwahati, railway station or airport. You can book a taxi/cabs like Indica, Micra, Indigo, Dzire, Etios, Innova, AC Tempo Traveller from Guwahati and luxury cars for your weekend getaway, holiday destination, honeymoon, family outing, pilgrimage etc.

You can check the taxi fare and estimated cab cost for Guwahati to Itanagar trip.

For the round trip (Itanagar to Guwahati) Itanagar to Guwahati taxi services we again will be happy to serve you.

Places to visit and 

things to do in Itanagar (Click the tile to open)

The points of interest in Itanagar are listed here with the expected expenses/tickets/cost and time you will need to spend or experience the activity in Itanagar. To help you plan the trip, all the famous tourist hot spot of Itanagar are listed here.

Ganga Lake, Itanagar

Ganga Lake, Itanagar



Ganga Lake, Itanagar

Ganga Lake, Itanagar
Expenses/Ticket/Cost for Ganga Lake, Itanagar:NA
Time people usually spend here:1.5 hours

kms from Itanagar

Ita Fort

Ita Fort



Ita Fort

Ita Fort
Expenses/Ticket/Cost for Ita Fort:NA
Time people usually spend here:2 hours

kms from Itanagar

Itanagar Wildlife Sanctuary

Itanagar Wildlife Sanctuary



Itanagar Wildlife Sanctuary

Itanagar Wildlife Sanctuary



Time people usually take to experience:

4 hours

State Museum, Itanagar

State Museum, Itanagar



State Museum, Itanagar

State Museum, Itanagar
Expenses/Ticket/Cost for State Museum, Itanagar:₹10
Time people usually spend here:3 hours

kms from Itanagar

Gompa, Itanagar

Gompa, Itanagar



Gompa, Itanagar

Gompa, Itanagar
Expenses/Ticket/Cost for Gompa, Itanagar:NA
Time people usually spend here:1.5 hours

kms from Itanagar

Indira Gandhi Park, Itanagar

Indira Gandhi Park, Itanagar



Indira Gandhi Park, Itanagar

Indira Gandhi Park, Itanagar
Expenses/Ticket/Cost for Indira Gandhi Park, Itanagar:NA
Time people usually spend here:2 hours

kms from Itanagar

Which is the best Taxi service for Guwahati to Itanagar?

There are many outstation taxi services that you can book either offline or online. Best is a relative term and it depends on what you prefer as a traveller. Most travellers prefer comfort, quality service at a reasonable price. Be careful when trying to haggle for the lowest priced or cheapest cab as you could open yourself to the risk of operators cutting corners n service and also over laying with hidden charges. 

Why travel d’globe for Guwahati to Itanagar?

Our mission is to give easy and cheapest options for one way cabs for your outstation travel! #travelWithTDG, you will be overjoyed. For we know what runs in your mind while booking an inter-city taxi: 

  • You need to search for reliable inter-city taxi providers.
  • You need to talk to at least 3-4 Car Operators, compare and get the one with the best price and reputation.
  • You must decide if that operator will provide good service and honour time commitments.
  • You must ensure if the car will be in good condition, comfortable, commercially licensed with all the requisite permits.
  • Finally, you need to satisfy yourself if the driver will be well behaved, knowledgeable, and experienced.
Find the best prices, best services, well maintained & commercially licensed vehicles and courteous drivers with us! With our carefully & diligently selected network of reliable operators, we not only ensure easy bookings, quality service and best prices but also eliminate cancellations. All this with the ease of self-booking process through web. So just book with us and allow us to delight you 🙂 

Best time for renting a car for Guwahati to Itanagar

When renting a car for Guwahati to Itanagar, its best to book atleast 1-2 weeks ahead so you can get the best prices for a quality service. Last minute rentals are always expensive and there is a high chance that service would be compromised as even the taxi provider is limited to whatever vehicle is available at their disposal. 

Things to look for when booking an outstation cab from Guwahati to Itanagar or any outstation route

  1. Ensure that a commercial taxi is being provided. Only commercial vehicles can legally transport passengers from one city to another. Commercial passenger vehicles have yellow colored license plates and are required to have the necessary transport permits.
  2. Find if the route you will travel on has tolls. If yes, are tolls included in your booking quote
  3. When you are crossing state boundaries, state taxes are due. Preferably get a quotation with state taxes included else you are at the risk of being scammed again. Most taxi operators will pay for monthly or annual state tax on routes that they are commonly serving. By getting an inclusive quote, you are getting this benefit passed on to you. By getting a quote where taxes are excluded, you are going to have to pay the taxi operator and will most likely not get a receipt for the same
  4. Price is great but service is what matters. So try to focus on service at a reasonable price. When you go for the cheapest, you will ending up getting what you pay for.

Little about Itanagar

Itanagar is a very popular tourist destination of Arunachal Pradesh. Itanagar (Capital of Arunachal Pradesh) has a rich mixture of archeological sites of great historical value and built up resources and institutions of great socio-cultural significance Each day you can find many travellers travelling from Guwahati to Itanagar, and vice versa. Amongst the numerous ways to travel from Guwahati to Itanagar, the most pleasurable mode is to travel by road. For a comfortable journey in luxuriant settings, book our taxi services in most affordable rates. 

The Journey From Guwahati to Itanagar by Car

Let’s be honest here. Who does not love road trips? We’ve been fascinated with road trips ever since Dil Chahta Hai. Add Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara  to it and voila, you have what is known as “Dream Trip” . The beauty of road trip  cannot be captured in words. 

If You want to know everything about Itanagar , then this is where you need to go: travel guide for Itanagar
With TDG Cab Driver you don’t have to bother about anything. Just sit back and enjoy the beauty.

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