How to travel from Bangalore to Alleppey 

(Alleppey to Bangalore)

Route planner to travel from Bangalore to Alleppey with Car

Distance on road: 584 kms
Travel Time: 10 hours


Road – Car


Route Details

Take the roadtrip for Alleppey while driving from Bangalore, enjoy this time with your friends, family or drive solo. You can drive on a car, a bike or hire a taxi to travel on the roads to Alleppey

The shortest distance between Bangalore and Alleppey is 584 kms(365 miles), you will need around 10 hours to travel Alleppey by Road. Driving directions to travel to Alleppey, for the roadtrip to Alleppey from Bangalore is provided with the map.

Alleppey is known as Venice of the east and ideal time to stay there is 1 – 5 days. Find out the 13 places to visit in Alleppey, and what to do there.

Shortest Route to go from Bangalore to Alleppey distance

— km
Click for map, exact distance and time

Book Transport from Bangalore to Alleppey

Bangalore to Alleppey Taxi/Traveller Fares

You may choose to hire a cab to Alleppey from Bangalore, railway station or airport. You can book a taxi/cabs like Indica, Micra, Indigo, Dzire, Etios, Innova, AC Tempo Traveller from Bangalore and luxury cars for your weekend getaway, holiday destination, honeymoon, family outing, pilgrimage etc.

You can check the taxi fare and estimated cab cost for Bangalore to Alleppey trip.

For the round trip (Alleppey to Bangalore) Alleppey to Bangalore taxi services we again will be happy to serve you.

Cost for Round Trip

Driver Allowance – ₹300
Road and Toll Taxes
250 Kms/ day

Toyota Etios-Swift Dzire or similar, 4 + 1

₹10 per KM

Cost for Round Trip

Driver Allowance – ₹300
Road and Toll Taxes
250 Kms/ day

Xylo, Toyota Innova or similar, 6 + 1

₹12.5 per KM

Cost for Round Trip

Driver Allowance – ₹300
Road and Toll Taxes
250 Kms/ day

Indica, Swift or similar, 4 + 1

₹9 per KM

Places to visit and 

things to do in Alleppey (Click the tile to open)

The points of interest in Alleppey are listed here with the expected expenses/tickets/cost and time you will need to spend or experience the activity in Alleppey. To help you plan the trip, all the famous tourist hot spot of Alleppey are listed here.

Backwaters Ride

Backwaters Ride



Backwaters Ride

Backwaters Ride



Time people usually take to experience:

2.5 hours

Alappuzha Beach

Alappuzha Beach



Alappuzha Beach

Alappuzha Beach
Expenses/Ticket/Cost for Alappuzha Beach:NA
Time people usually spend here:3 hours

kms from Alleppey

Nehru Trophy Snake Boat Race

Nehru Trophy Snake Boat Race



Nehru Trophy Snake Boat Race

Nehru Trophy Snake Boat Race
Expenses/Ticket/Cost for Nehru Trophy Snake Boat Race:₹300
Time people usually spend here:5 hours

kms from Alleppey

Vembanad Lake

Vembanad Lake



Vembanad Lake

Vembanad Lake
Expenses/Ticket/Cost for Vembanad Lake:NA
Time people usually spend here:2 hours

kms from Alleppey

Kathakali Dance

Kathakali Dance



Kathakali Dance

Kathakali Dance



Time people usually take to experience:

2 hours

Andhakaranazhi Beach

Andhakaranazhi Beach



Andhakaranazhi Beach

Andhakaranazhi Beach
Expenses/Ticket/Cost for Andhakaranazhi Beach:NA
Time people usually spend here:2 hours

kms from Alleppey

Marari Beach

Marari Beach



Marari Beach

Marari Beach
Expenses/Ticket/Cost for Marari Beach:NA
Time people usually spend here:3 hours

kms from Alleppey

Alappuzha Lighthouse

Alappuzha Lighthouse



Alappuzha Lighthouse

Alappuzha Lighthouse
Expenses/Ticket/Cost for Alappuzha Lighthouse:₹10
Time people usually spend here:1 hours

kms from Alleppey

St. Mary's Forane Church, Alleppey

St. Mary’s Forane Church, Alleppey



St. Mary’s Forane Church, Alleppey

St. Mary's Forane Church, Alleppey
Expenses/Ticket/Cost for St. Mary’s Forane Church, Alleppey:NA
Time people usually spend here:1 hours

kms from Alleppey

Chettikulangara Devi Temple

Chettikulangara Devi Temple



Chettikulangara Devi Temple

Chettikulangara Devi Temple
Expenses/Ticket/Cost for Chettikulangara Devi Temple:NA
Time people usually spend here:1.5 hours

kms from Alleppey

Ambalappuzha Sri Krishna Temple

Ambalappuzha Sri Krishna Temple



Ambalappuzha Sri Krishna Temple

Ambalappuzha Sri Krishna Temple
Expenses/Ticket/Cost for Ambalappuzha Sri Krishna Temple:NA
Time people usually spend here:1 hours

kms from Alleppey

Harpid Sree Subrahmanya Swamy Temple

Harpid Sree Subrahmanya Swamy Temple



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