How to travel from New Delhi to Badrinath 

(Badrinath to New Delhi)

Route planner to travel from New Delhi to Badrinath with Car

Distance on road: 532 kms
Travel Time: 14 hours

New Delhi

Road – Car


Route Details

Take the roadtrip for Badrinath while driving from New Delhi, enjoy this time with your friends, family or drive solo. You can drive on a car, a bike or hire a taxi to travel on the roads to Badrinath

The shortest distance between New Delhi and Badrinath is 532 kms(332 miles), you will need around 14 hours to travel Badrinath by Road. Driving directions to travel to Badrinath, for the roadtrip to Badrinath from New Delhi is provided with the map.

Badrinath is known as Amalgam Of Spirituality and ideal time to stay there is 1 – 3 days. Find out the 1 places to visit in Badrinath, and what to do there.

Shortest Route to go from New Delhi to Badrinath

— km
Click for map, exact distance and time

Transport from New Delhi to Badrinath

Places to visit and 

things to do in Badrinath (Click the tile to open)

The points of interest in Badrinath are listed here with the expected expenses/tickets/cost and time you will need to spend or experience the activity in Badrinath. To help you plan better, all the famous tourist hot spot of Badrinath are listed here.



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