
Top Pick

Dainkund Peak-Sway amidst the singing hills.

#Hill in Dalhousie

The Dainkund peak is the highest peak in Dalhousie and is famous amongst the tourists for greenery and peaks veiled in utmost beautiful snow. Dainkund receives maximum snowfall in the winter season. The uniqueness of the place is the plethora of Deodar forests, colorful flowers, and green valleys dancing on the rhythm of noise made by the winds passing through the forests giving it the honor of the Singing Hill. The most beautiful view of the Khajjar lake and tiny mud houses of the adjacent village is a gift by Dainkund peak.
Dainkund is well connected by motorable roads but one can also choose a more interesting way of reaching Dainkund by trekking. The hill that reaches up to a height of 2755 m above sea level was once believed to be an abode of the witches. Today it has many tourist attractions like the Pholani Devi temple, and Airforce base camps. The view becomes more appealing in the rainy season. The trail is steep and narrow especially when it is snow covered in winters.

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